
Sennheiser E914 電容麥克風 樂器收音專用

Sennheiser E914 電容麥克風 樂器收音專用 e 914是一支擁有飽滿聲音和出色動態的頂級電容話筒。在對它精細的高頻做了輕微強化後,絲綢般的細緻特性終於得以展現。它直接的瞬態回應能精准捕捉聲音的特性,即使面對極高的聲壓級也絕不例外。

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NT$15,400 NT$17,200

Sennheiser E914 電容麥克風 樂器收音專用

The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

e 914是一支擁有飽滿聲音和出色動態的頂級電容麥克風。在對它精細的高頻做了輕微強化後,絲綢般的細緻特性終於得以展現。它直接的瞬態回應能精准捕捉聲音的特性,即使面對極高的聲壓級也絕不例外。 因為精細的解析力,e 914讓現場鼓組得到了進一步的提煉。話筒頭具有出色的反饋電阻,能滿足不同的需求:可以設置三個檔位的低音衰減/切除和預衰減。

The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

  • 電容麥克風

The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

  • 現場錄音的完美選擇

The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

  • 卓越的動態和鮮活的聲音,適合多種樂器

The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

  • 能應付高聲壓級

The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

  • 三個檔位的低頻衰減/切除開關

The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

  • 三個檔位的預衰減

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The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

貨號: 11201035 分類: ,