
ACS Soteria Party 專用濾音耳塞 通用款

Soteria Party耳塞是一個讓您在夜店、音樂節與演唱會這類大音量的娛樂場所中,盡情享樂的產品。它使用一種特別設計的濾音器能夠將音量降低,但是仍然給你有勁的低音節拍和清晰的中高音。完全不會讓音樂變得沉悶無感。

  • 全系列公司貨、享保固
  • 實體門市 / 網路同步銷售
  • 專業錄音室及音樂製作工程人員詢問
  • 門市提供免費試聽服務

NT$690 NT$750

ACS Soteria Party 專用濾音耳塞 通用款

Soteria Party耳塞是一個讓您在夜店、音樂節與演唱會這類大音量的娛樂場所中,盡情享樂的產品。它使用一種特別設計的濾音器能夠將音量降低,但是仍然給你有勁的低音節拍和清晰的中高音。完全不會讓音樂變得沉悶無感。
ACS 25年來製作了幾十萬副客製耳塞,我們深知每個人的耳道尺寸都不一樣,絕非簡易的2環或是3環耳塞就能滿足與耳道舒適密合的需求。在 Soteria的開發過程中,我們3D打印了數千個有些微不同的主體,給客戶測試。 最終的產品的主體是個和你的外耳腔相同形狀的三角形體,它有一個恰好長度的導音管。 搭配上特別挑選的大,中,小,小小和超小五種尺寸矽膠耳套。 這樣設計組合使 Soteria能跟適用於廣大的耳朵和道尺寸, 並且滿足耳塞的舒適以及密封要求。
市面上大多數耳塞品牌都強調他們的耳塞戴上後不是很顯眼。彷彿在告訴他們的顧客,配戴耳塞是一種愚蠢的行為,所以不應該被看到。我們認為去夜店玩的時候,佩戴耳塞是最聰明和最酷斃的行為,Soteria Party耳塞的外殼採用夜光材料,讓它在夜總會的燈光照射下顯得格外醒目。而且即使你喝得醉醺醺的,Soteria的三角型外殼也能讓你輕易抓起,快速地戴進耳朵裡,確保你的聽力得到保護。
ACS Soteria Party 專用濾音耳塞 通用款
ACS Soteria Party 專用濾音耳塞 通用款

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Unrivalled stereo sound From classical to contemporary, every music genre is enhanced by the bespoke 7 mm dynamic drivers of the new MOMENTUM True Wireless 2 earbuds thanks to its deep bass, natural mids and clear, detailed treble.

Plus, you can now tailor your listening experience with built-in equalizers and enjoy amazing sound quality on your terms.

Your sound. Your focus. Concentrate on the right thing at the right time with the MOMENTUM True Wireless 2.

Switch off your surroundings and dive into that impactful song, important episode or impromptu call with the new Active Noise Cancellation feature.

Working in tandem with the earbuds’ excellent passive noise isolation, you now get to enjoy incredible high-fidelity sound even in noisy environments.

Then seamlessly bring your focus back and listen to what’s around you thanks to Transparent Hearing.

Comfortable all-day listening Up to 28 hours play time Experience uninterrupted play time with the new 7-hour battery life that can be extended up to 28 hours with the charging case.

Improved ergonomic design In the mood for a movie marathon? With its ergonomic design, you can experience unbeatable sound in unbelievable comfort.

Intuitive to your needs Customizable controls Control your volume, music and calls with customisable touchpad technology built into both earbuds.

Voice Assistant support Easily activate Google Assistant and Apple Siri at the touch of a button and hear their replies loud and clear.

Smart pause Never miss a second of your favorite song. Smart Pause automatically stops when your earbuds are removed and seamlessly resumes when you put them back.

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