
dbx RTA-M 測量麥克風

dbx RTA-M 測量麥克風 可選的 RTA-M 實時音頻分析麥克風是 DriveRack PA 系列(PA、PX、PA+、PA2)和 260 的完美附件工具。與系統設置嚮導和自動均衡器嚮導結合使用,RTA-M 是理想的選擇用於優化即使是最困難的聲學環境的音質。

  • 全系列公司貨、享保固
  • 實體門市 / 網路同步銷售
  • 專業錄音室及音樂製作工程人員詢問
  • 門市提供免費試聽服務

NT$3,864 NT$4,200

dbx RTA-M 測量麥克風

  • Polar Pattern : 全向
  • 元件:背駐極體-電容式
  • 頻率響應:20 Hz – 20 kHz
  • 阻抗 : 250 30% (在 1,000Hz)

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

  • 靈敏度:-63 dB +-3 dB(0 dB=1V/微巴 1,000 Hz,開路指示)

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

  • 工作電壓:幻象電源9V-52VDC

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

可選的 RTA-M 實時音頻分析麥克風是 DriveRack PA 系列(PA、PX、PA+、PA2)和 260 的完美附件工具。與系統設置嚮導和自動均衡器嚮導結合使用,RTA-M 是理想的選擇用於優化即使是最困難的聲學環境的音質。

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

RTA-M 是一款全向、平坦的頻率測量麥克風,專為 Driverack 系列設計,可拾取 20 Hz 至 20 kHz 的所有頻率,確保對您的音頻進行準確的“pinking”/實時分析。它使用幻象電源(由 Driverack 單元提供)運行,並配有夾子和外殼。

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

DriveRack 的 RTA 麥克風

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

DriveRack PA 的實時分析麥克風。平坦的頻率響應,超精準的全向麥克風。需要 15-48V 幻象電源才能運行。

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

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If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

貨號: 11322001 分類: ,


  • 麥克風類型:電容式
  • 極地模式:全方位
  • 頻率響應:20Hz-20kHz
  • 輸出阻抗:250 歐姆
  • 靈敏度:-63 分貝 +-3 分貝
  • 連接器:XLR
  • 能量源:幻象電源 9V-52VDC
  • 方面:5.7" x 0.78"
  • 製造商零件編號:DBXRTA-M