
MusicNomad 3合1保養液 MN103 Guitar ONE

Music Nomad有著完整且先進的樂器護理系列產品。不只有吉他,包括鼓與銅鈸,甚至連AMP和樂器盒都有各自的保養品項。不論是需要清潔用,亮光油或保護蠟,都能在完整且多樣化的類型裡,找到適合自己的產品。

NT$267 NT$290

MusicNomad 3合1保養液 MN103 Guitar ONE

強大!! Tom Anderson吉他指定使用!!
強大!! 清潔、亮光、上蠟,一瓶搞定!!
強大!! 抗UV!

Guitar One是我們最受歡迎的產品,提供最簡單又效果卓著的保養吉他方式。

MN103 革命性的3in1配方在世界各地大受好評,可同時去除髒污並帶來光滑表面及高度光澤;優異的產品品質得到各界無論是樂器行、樂手、維修專業人員、製造商及收藏家的愛用及肯定!

MN103 添加了獨家抗UV成分杜絕了戶外太陽紫外線和舞台燈光對您愛琴可能造成的傷害;可生物溶解配方,不僅環保且氣味清香,讓您一次輕鬆完成所有保養!

*此款同時受到知名吉他品牌Tom Anderson的認同,每支準備出廠的琴都會用”One”進行保養維護!

*Music Inc. Magazine票選最佳音樂產品!

*Complete Guitar Maintenance in ONE bottle
*Clean, Polish, Wax & Protect in ONE easy step
*Pro Strength Formula
*Proprietary Formulation
*UV Protectants to Deter Sun Damage
*Biodegradable Forumulation
*Smells Great
*100% PET Bottle – the most friendly recyclable plastic on Earth

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The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

The first one step answer to effortlessly achieving a show perfect shine. An ultra slick, streak free, high shine gloss magnifier, organically formulated to clean, polish, wax and protect for gloss finishes. The Guitar ONE is infused with white Brazilian carnauba wax that delivers an acoustically transparent durable shield with a high gloss shine that protects your instrument’s finish. Safe on all lacquer finishes including nitrocellulose. Not recommended for matte finishes. Musicians, repair shops, guitar techs, instrument makers and collectors around the world use our most popular guitar care polish, The Guitar ONE. We just made guitar care and maintenance easier, while not compromising on quality..

CAUTION for Gold Hardware: We always recommend to use caution on gold plating as some plating is very thin depending on the manufacture and country made. Either test a small area first and rub very lightly. If you love your gold plating and not sure then we recommend not using this product. See FAQs for more details on this.

Combining our passion for cleaning and helping musicians, MusicNomad Equipment Care Products deliver professional grade products to restore, maintain and protect your instrument. We bring together talent from around the world to help in making the best products for musicians. Every purchase automatically contributes money to help independent musicians through our advocacy website MusicNomad.com where thousands of musicians each month discover resources, tips and articles to help them in their music career.