
MXL 2006 電容式麥克風

  • 全系列公司貨、享保固
  • 實體門市 / 網路同步銷售
  • 專業錄音室及音樂製作工程人員詢問
  • 門市提供免費試聽服務

NT$5,980 NT$6,500

MXL 2006 電容式麥克風 含麥克風避震架

大振膜麥克風由於其低噪音和比小振膜麥克風捕獲更多聲能的能力而被廣泛用於錄製人聲和其他特色聲源。2006 年的 A 級電路採用大型、高靈敏度 32 毫米電容極頭設計,可捕捉人聲、原聲/電吉他和打擊樂錄音的細節和豐富聲音。包括一個防震架,以最大限度地減少不必要的振動和一個保護性手提箱。優雅的拉絲銀色飾面、經典的設計和音質使 2006 成為錄音音樂家的最愛。

Large-diaphragm microphones are widely used to record vocals and other featured sound sources due to their low noise and ability to capture more acoustic energy than smaller diaphragm mics. Designed with a large, highly sensitive 32mm condenser capsule, the 2006’s Class A circuitry captures the detail and rich sound of vocals, acoustic/electric guitars, and percussion recordings. Included is a shock mount to minimize unwanted vibrations and a protective carrying case. The elegant brushed silver finish, classic design, and sound quality make the 2006 a favorite for recording musicians.Large-diaphragm microphones are widely used to record vocals and other featured sound sources due to their low noise and ability to capture more acoustic energy than smaller diaphragm mics. Designed with a large, highly sensitive 32mm condenser capsule, the

MXL 2006

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Large-diaphragm microphones are widely used to record vocals and other featured sound sources due to their low noise and ability to capture more acoustic energy than smaller diaphragm mics. Designed with a large, highly sensitive 32mm condenser capsule, the 2006’s Class A circuitry captures the detail and rich sound of vocals, acoustic/electric guitars, and percussion recordings. Included is a shock mount to minimize unwanted vibrations and a protective carrying case. The elegant brushed silver finish, classic design, and sound quality make the 2006 a favorite for recording musicians.Large-diaphragm microphones are widely used to record vocals and other featured sound sources due to their low noise and ability to capture more acoustic energy than smaller diaphragm mics. Designed with a large, highly sensitive 32mm condenser capsule, the

MXL 2006 電容式麥克風

Large-diaphragm microphones are widely used to record vocals and other featured sound sources due to their low noise and ability to capture more acoustic energy than smaller diaphragm mics. Designed with a large, highly sensitive 32mm condenser capsule, the 2006’s Class A circuitry captures the detail and rich sound of vocals, acoustic/electric guitars, and percussion recordings. Included is a shock mount to minimize unwanted vibrations and a protective carrying case. The elegant brushed silver finish, classic design, and sound quality make the 2006 a favorite for recording musicians.Large-diaphragm microphones are widely used to record vocals and other featured sound sources due to their low noise and ability to capture more acoustic energy than smaller diaphragm mics. Designed with a large, highly sensitive 32mm condenser capsule, the




32mm 極頭,鍍金,6 微米振膜


20 赫茲 – 20 赫茲






150 歐姆


16 dB(A 加權 IEC 268-4)


78 dB(參考 1Pa A 加權)

0.5% THD 的最大聲壓級





50 毫米 x 190 毫米 / 2 英寸 x 7.5 英寸 589.67 克/1.3 磅



MXL 案例 | MXL 06 防震架