Rupert Neve RNHP 耳機擴大機
- 適用於任何一對耳機的可靠、參考級放大
- 基於 RND 5060 Centerpiece 中的耳機放大器
- 輕鬆的聲音表現
- 能夠驅動幾乎任何耳機
- 專用 24 伏設計
- 經過校準的 +4dBu 線路、RCA 和 1/8″ 立體聲輸入
- 接近零歐姆的輸出阻抗最大限度地減少了基於頻率的無功負載阻抗偏移
- 堅固耐用、可安裝 VESA 的鋼製底盤
Rupert Neve RNHP 是基於 RND 5060 Centerpiece 中的耳機擴大機,專用 24 伏設計配備經過校準的 +4dBu 線路、RCA 和 1/8″ 立體聲輸入。一切都安裝在堅固耐用、可安裝 VESA 的鋼製底盤中. 該裝置毫不費力的聲波性能和毫不妥協地驅動幾乎任何電話的能力讓您以驚人的清晰度演奏、混音和欣賞您的音樂。
Rupert Neve Designs 為 RNHP 指定了接近零歐姆的輸出阻抗,以最大限度地減少基於頻率的無功負載阻抗偏移——這是耳機監聽獨有的問題。這確保了準確的聲音再現,如果您需要相信您使用耳機做出的決定,這顯然很重要。當您只使用一組耳機時,或者當您比較多副耳機的混音時,您會發現 RNHP 準確無誤的準確性很有用。

粉絲頁直接詢問 :
If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.
Calibrated +4dBu line input. The combo jack accepts either XLR or TRS inputs from balanced professional devices.
The unbalanced RCA input is calibrated for -10dBV signals. The RCA jack is commonly used with home stereo devices or Prosumer equipment.
For much equipment, the headphone output is an afterthought. Most products with integrated headphone amps have large feature sets, small footprints, and relatively low price points
This leads to compromised power and audio quality of the headphone amplifier itself, which can lead to a number of issues in real world usage such as low headroom, unreliable performance, and a lack of focus.
The RNHP was made to accomplish one simple purpose: making any headphones sound their best./p>
As a dedicated design, the RNHP is tailored to deliver extremely high quality, powerful amplification, with precise calibration for any source input.
This exceptional level of quality can be the difference that inspires an artist to give their best performance, lets an engineer make better choices in mic and placement,
gives a mix engineer reliable translation of EQ and dynamics adjustments, or lets a music listener appreciate the full depth and detail of a recording.
High-power, high-headroom design can effortlessly drive high-impedance (up to 600 Ohm) headphones even during the loudest, most dynamic tracking sessions.