
Schecter C-1 SLS Elite Black Fade Burst 電吉他

Schecter C-1 SLS Elite Black Fade Burst 電吉他 由於其 Fishman Fluence Modern 有源拾音器,C-1 SLS Elite 是最受歡迎的雙線圈拾音器音色的管道。

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NT$41,400 NT$45,000

Schecter C-1 SLS Elite Black Fade Burst 電吉他


Schecter C-1 SLS Elite 一直是頂級的。它令人瞠目結舌的火焰楓木覆蓋的沼澤灰琴體產生了亮度和溫暖的平衡融合,並結合了“流行”的中音。除此之外,由於其 Fishman Fluence Modern 有源拾音器,C-1 SLS Elite 是最受歡迎的雙線圈拾音器音色的管道。體驗增強的延音和可玩性,這得益於帶有 Ultra Access 的 Neck-Thru 設計和光滑的烏木指板。C-1 SLS Elite 的 Ernie Ball 補償螺母和 Hipshot 硬尾琴橋表現出準確的語調。C-1 SLS Elite 配有引人注目的褪色飾面和迷人的黑色硬件,彰顯品質。


當您拿起 C-1 SLS Elite 時,您會驚嘆於所有細節和最後潤飾,這使它成為一款真正非凡的樂器。它美麗的火焰楓木面板似乎從表面躍出,光滑的烏木指板上的複雜鑲嵌增添了一種特殊的優雅感。更重要的是,這些細節不僅僅是裝飾性的。C-1 SLS Elite 採用 Neck-Thru 設計,帶有 Ultra Access 後跟雕刻,讓您可以輕鬆使用更高、難以觸及的品絲。

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

Fishman Fluence Modern 拾音器為您提供無盡的音色選擇

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

借助 C-1 SLS Elite 的 Fishman Fluence Modern 拾音器,您將能夠駕馭最受歡迎的雙線圈拾音器音色。這些拾音器為您提供兩種獨特的可選音色供您選擇。陶醉於 Fluence 現代有源拾音器提供的緊湊低音、清脆的高音和微妙的咆哮。或者,如果您感覺有些粗糙,這些拾音器的高輸出雙線圈拾音器聲音是為失真度身定制的。Sweetwater 的吉他手對 C-1 SLS Elite 的豐富音色印象深刻。

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

採用穿弦式設計的 Hipshot 琴橋提供了驚人的穩定性

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

如果您喜歡硬尾橋的穩定性和超快響應,那麼這款 C-1 SLS Elite 會讓您有賓至如歸的感覺。Schecter 不只是抓住任何舊琴橋——他們選擇了 Hipshot 硬尾琴橋來獲得穩固的音調和出色的延音。結合其穿弦式機身設計,這種設置為 C-1 SLS Elite 提供了真正史詩般的延音。

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

Schecter C-1 SLS Elite 特點:

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

  • 聽起來像音樂的沼澤灰身體覆蓋著令人瞠目結舌的火焰楓木
  • 帶有碳纖維加強桿的超穩定楓木/胡桃木/紅木多層琴頸
  • 帶有 Ultra Access 和光滑烏木指板的 Neck-Thru 提供增強的延音和可玩性
  • Fishman Fluence Modern 有源拾音器為您提供無窮無盡的聲音質感
  • Ernie Ball 補償弦枕和 Hipshot 硬尾琴橋提供令人難以置信的精確音準
  • 引人注目的褪色飾面和黑色五金

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If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

貨號: 10205005 分類: ,
  • 琴身:Swamp Ash
  • TOP:Flamed Maple
  • 琴頸:Maple/Walnut/Padauk Multi-ply w/ Carbon Fiber Reinforcement Rods
  • 指板:Ebony
  • 拾音器前段:Fishman Fluence Modern (Alnico Magnet) Humbucker
  • 拾音器後段:Fishman Fluence Modern (Ceramic Magnet) Humbucker
  • Volume (Push-Pull)/Tone (Push-Pull)/3-Way Switch