TAMA HP900RWN 平滑型雙踏
TAMA HP900RWN 全面優化,更勝以往!自1992年以來,TAMA 發表了Iron Cobra,24年來不斷精進結構與新創技術, 讓鼓手們無後顧之憂,專注在發揮創意表現。

Power Glide LiteSprocket
採用 Rolling Glide 凸輪是一個真正的圓形鏈輪,可在整個擊槌進行過程中提供平穩、一致的動作。比我們之前的凸輪輕 40%,它為 Iron Cobra 提供了更輕但更可控的感覺。LiteSprocket 設計具有平滑的圓形凸輪形狀,帶來流暢、靈敏的感覺。
★ CAM凸輪材質又比上一代輕量40%,操控性更勝以往。

Power-Strike Cobra Beater
最新版本的 Iron Cobra 具有更小直徑但更厚的擊打頭 – 比以前的設計提供更多攻擊力的組合。也增加了打手頭的表面和軸之間的距離。鼓手發現這種改變提高了他們在更快的段落中的控制感。
★ 進化加厚Power Cobra 〔Power-Strike 鼓槌頭〕優化無延遲,更肥厚有力的搥擊聲響!

Para-Clamp II Pro
Para-Clamp II 能夠夾住有史以來最廣泛的大鼓箍。改進主要歸功於其新設計的三維橡膠握把。保持力增加,並消除了劃傷籃筐的可能性。此外,由於 Para-Clamp II Pro 的 T 型螺栓位於腳踏板的一側,而不是在腳踏板的下方,因此在坐在寶座上時,設置和拆卸都很容易。
★〔Para Clamp II PRO〕升級專業版 大鼓夾具機構貼心橡膠接觸面,避免刮傷大鼓框。

Vari-Pitch 調節角度調整完全獨立於腳踏板角度。Speedo-Ring 可讓您獨立於角度調整腳踏板連桿的角度。Speedo-Ring 和 Vari-Pitch 的組合提供了一系列可滿足任何風格的增量調整。
★ 整體更輕量並維持高剛性,能快速反應腳下每道細膩變化。

我們將踏板上軸承鉸鏈的結構從一件式組件改為兩件式組件,這樣可以更均勻地固定軸承 – 最大限度地減少壓力,並最大限度地提高平滑度,同時增加踏板的力量感。
★ 腳踏平板之〔兩件式軸承關節〕,包覆更全面牢固,整體耐用度與平滑度大增。

Oiles® 軸承鉸鏈
為了增強耐用性,Iron Cobra 900 系列採用了直徑為 6 毫米的粗桿身。Oiles® 軸承產生的摩擦遠小於標準球軸承。它們還消除了不必要的左右運動,同時提供了卓越的耐用性。(Oiles® 軸承是Oiles Co., Ltd. 的註冊商標)。


Cobra Coil 通過添加鋼製復位彈簧解決了這個問題。回位彈簧不斷將腳踏板壓回原位,拉緊腳與踏板的關係。更好的是,眼鏡蛇線圈可調節到 Iron Cobra 腳踏板底板上的不同位置。

Quick-Hook 不僅可以快速安裝和重新安裝彈簧,以便快速安裝和拆卸,還可以消除搖晃並最大程度地將動力傳輸到 Speedo-Ring。而且您永遠不必擔心它在表演過程中滑落。

The Quick-Hook not only allows for easy setup and tear-down but also streamlines the pedal, allowing quick stowaway in the hard case without removing the beater.
Vari-Pitch beater angle adjustments are completely independent of the footboard angle. The Speedo-Ring allows you to adjust the angle of the footboard link independently of the beater angle.
The combination of the Speedo-Ring and the Vari-Pitch offer a range of incremental adjustments that will satisfy any style.
To reinforce durability, the Iron Cobra 900 Series features a thicker 6 mm diameter shaft. Oiles® bearings create far less friction than standard ball bearings.
They also eliminate unwanted side-to-side motion while providing superior durability. (Oiles® bearings is a registered trademark of the Oiles Co., Ltd.).
To keep left-side double pedals from walking, a special stabilizer is mounted to the outside frame. This augments the stability of the floor anchor bolts.
Quick-Hook not only allows rapid spring attachment and reattachment for rapid set up and tear down, it also eliminates wobbling and allows maximum power transmission to the Speedo-Ring. And you never have to worry about it slipping off during performance.
You know what pedals go through night after night. After being stomped on over and over, they get thrown in bags and road cases where there’s more hard rock and roll than the gig itself.
That’s why precision instruments like our Iron Cobras come with a specially designed protective carrying case. It’s amazing no one thought of it before.
TAMA now introduces Para-Clamp II -an even more clever and useful version of the popular original. The Para-Clamp II is capable of gripping the widest variety of bass drum hoops ever. The improvement is largely due to its newly designed three-dimensional rubber grip.
Holding power is increased and the possibility of scratching the hoop is eliminated. Furthermore, set-up and breakdown are easily facilitated, while sitting on a throne because the T-bolt of the Para-Clamp II Pro is on the side of the footboard, rather than under it.
TAMA eliminated another source of friction by replacing the traditional nylon rocker cam with the Speedo-Ring, a rocker cam with a high quality built-in ball bearing rocker.