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Austrian Audio Hi-X55 監聽耳機

Austrian Audio Hi-X55

  • 公司貨、享保固
  • 實體門市 / 網路同步銷售
  • 附有錄音室及音控師工程人員詢問
  • 門市可預約試聽

NT$10,450 NT$11,000

Austrian Audio Hi-X55

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

前身為 AKG 奧地利工程團隊的 Austrian Audio 的工程師已經設計生產了一些世界上最受好評的耳機和喇叭。當需要打造第一個專業耳機系列時,團隊花費了許多時間來研究,並且超越了之前的許多目標和挑戰。
來自Austrian Audio的新型專業Hi-X耳機系列。無論 Hi-X50 還是 Hi-X55一切生產都在奧地利精心製作。

If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.


If you’re a singer who performs anywhere outside the studio, a hand-held dynamic microphone is usually your best choice for rugged, reliable, consistent sound.

新開發的44mm Hi-X震膜具有環形磁鐵系統,這是一種自主研發的技術,過去我們的工程師已將其集成到各種屢獲殊榮的耳機中。它可提供同類產品中改進的氣流和最強的磁場。這種環形磁鐵結構與覆銅鋁音圈相結合,減輕了震膜和位於其上的音圈的重量,使震膜能夠更快地移動或改變方向,從而提供更好的脈衝反應,這在當代和傳統的音樂製作中都非常重要。

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反拍樂器 FB


Fender Limited Edition Player Stratocaster MN 3TS CAKE

FENDER offers a wide range of electric, acoustic, bass, mandolin, banjo and violin guitars, as well as instrument amplifiers,

PA systems, effects and accessories for instruments such as picks, strings, straps, covers and cables.

The Fender Electric Instrument Manufacturing Company was founded in 1946 by Clarence Leonidas Fender. Leo created

the first mass-produced electric guitar – the Telecaster (initially known as Broadcaster). The earliest use of this

instrument in a recording dates back to 1947 – it was Arthur Smith’s “Guitar Boogie”. In 1951, the Fender range is

expanded by the Precision Bass (P-Bass) and in 1954 by the Stratocaster. In 1965, as his health did not improve,

Leo Fender sold his shares to the American media tycoon, CBS, which owned the brand for the next 20 years.

In 1985 the rights to the brand were bought by William Schultz, but the factory had to be built from scratch. Currently

production takes place mainly in factories in Corona, in California and in Ensenada, Mexico. Instruments are also

manufactured in Japan under the Fender brand, but apart from a few models (re-editions and signatures), they are

directed exclusively to the local American market.

The Fender Limited Edition Player Stratocaster guitar is a unique instrument from the limited series. Made of alder, it

Najnowsza seria Player od Fendera wkracza na rynek pod postacią legendarnych telecasterów. Dwa przetworniki

typu single-coil pozwalają na uzyskanie poszukiwanego przez gitarzystów na całym świecie delikatnie

brzęczącego brzmienia. Świetnie sprawdzi się przy nagrywaniu subtelnych partii solowych oraz ozbodników

To doskonały wybór dla muzyków pragnących przejrzystego i niepodrabialnego brzmienia. _




反拍樂器 實體門市

頻率範圍: 5 赫茲 - 28 赫茲

靈敏度: 118dBspl/V

總諧波失真  (@ 1kHz):< 0.1%

阻抗: 25Ω

輸入功率: 150 兆瓦

電纜(可拆卸): 3m 接頭:3.5 毫米(1/8 英寸)

轉接頭(隨贈): 3.5 毫米至 6.3 毫米(1/8 英寸至 1/4 英寸)

尺寸: 200 x 170 x 85 毫米 


反拍樂器 實體門市