
補貨中 FGN JMJ-ASH-M SBB 電貝斯 藍色木紋


1 件庫存

FGN最初是成立於1960年的日本Fujigen(富士弦)樂器⼯廠是目前世界⼀流、亞洲和⽇本最好的吉他生產廠商,你所熟悉的許多吉他⼤師手中簽名款吉他(比如Steve Vai、Andy Timmons、Joe Satriani等等),都是出⾃於Fujigen⼯廠。

  • 全系列公司貨、享保固
  • 實體門市 / 網路同步銷售
  • 專業錄音室及音樂製作工程人員詢問
  • 門市提供免費試聽服務

NT$34,200 NT$36,000

1 件庫存

FGN JMJ-ASH-M SBB 電貝斯 藍色木紋

成立於1960年的日本Fujigen(富士弦)樂器⼯廠是目前世界⼀流、亞洲和⽇本最好的吉他生產廠商,在1983年,他們甚⾄是世界第一產量的吉他製造廠商。 可能很多人會對這個品牌比較陌生,這是由於他們長期以來將主要的精⼒投入為各大世界名牌代⼯上,並沒有⼤力推廣⾃己品牌所致。但是他們⼀直為很多世界知名品牌進⾏合作⽣產,比如3個世界最大的電吉他品牌都和Fujigen有著深厚的合作關系,由此可⾒Fujigen在電吉他製造領域中絕對是世界⼀流水準的,當然,除了這3個最⼤的品牌之外,他們也為很多其他世界著名品牌合作,甚至是和⼀些頂級的⼿工吉他品牌。

你所熟悉的許多吉他⼤師手中簽名款吉他(比如Steve Vai、Andy Timmons、Joe Satriani等等),都是出⾃於Fujigen⼯廠。現在,Fujigen也開始向全世界推廣他們⾃己的品牌——FGN,憑藉著他們豐富的設計經驗、⼀流的製造能⼒以及⼯廠⾃身的成本優勢,必將為全世界的吉他手們重新定義性價比這個名詞!

Circle Fretting System (C.F.S.)

所有 FGN 吉他和貝斯都帶有獨特的 Circle Fretting System (C.F.S.)。 它是由 FGN 基於提供比傳統吉他和貝斯更好的音高和清晰度的想法而創建的。所有琴衍都以略微彎曲的形狀安裝在指板上,使每根琴弦以 90 度交叉所有琴格,提供最小的琴弦接觸,使每根琴弦的音階長度即使在實際變化時也有所不同常規微動。C.F.S 是對傳統吉他和貝司進行按弦的解決方案,它提供更清晰的清晰度和音調,在您演奏和弦時提供立體感,並在您演奏單個音符時更加突出。


堅固的 FGBB 琴橋提供力量和穩定性,將琴弦振動直接傳遞到琴體。它提供 2 種穿弦方式。

精確流暢的複古 GOTOH 旋鈕。

Seymour Duncan Quarter-Pound J 和 Humbucking 拾音器提供傳統而強大的聲音效果。

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With clock function, intuitive operation. Precise beat with LED beat light. Built-in speaker

With clock function, intuitive operation. Precise beat with LED beat light. Built-in speaker

A three-layer compound membrane is used to suppress break-up vibrations. Carefully selected acoustic fabric ensures distortion-free sound reproduction.

A three-layer compound membrane is used to suppress break-up vibrations. Carefully selected acoustic fabric ensures distortion-free sound reproduction.

A three-layer compound membrane is used to suppress break-up vibrations. Carefully selected acoustic fabric ensures distortion-free sound reproduction.

The beyerdynamic DT 1770 PRO headphones combine experience, German engineering and cutting-edge technology.

The beyerdynamic DT 1770 PRO headphones combine experience, German engineering and cutting-edge technology.

The beyerdynamic DT 1770 PRO headphones combine experience, German engineering and cutting-edge technology.

With Symphony Desktop, the Apogee Control Software and the Apogee Channel FX plugin, you can set up a variety of workflows that offer low-latency recording,

With Symphony Desktop, the Apogee Control Software and the Apogee Channel FX plugin, you can set up a variety of workflows that offer low-latency recording,

With Symphony Desktop, the Apogee Control Software and the Apogee Channel FX plugin, you can set up a variety of workflows that offer low-latency recording,

maximum CPU efficiency, easy collaboration and the option to print or just monitor plugins in your projects. Plus, you can use Apogee plugins with or without Symphony Desktop connected to your computer.

maximum CPU efficiency, easy collaboration and the option to print or just monitor plugins in your projects. Plus, you can use Apogee plugins with or without Symphony Desktop connected to your computer.

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in your DAW allows you to scale your session to the huge track counts that are typical in modern music production.

in your DAW allows you to scale your session to the huge track counts that are typical in modern music production.




反拍樂器 實體門市

分類: ,
結構 Bolt-on
琴身 Ash
琴頸 Maple U-Shape
指板 Maple
音階長度 34" (864mm)
琴衍 22F Medium Jumbo C.F.S.
琴橋 FGN FGBB-104 (String Pitch = 19mm)
拾音器前段 Seymour Duncan® Quarter-Pound™ SJB-3n
拾音器後段 Seymour Duncan® 4-String Ceramic SMB-4D
控制 2Volume, 1Tone w/ Push-Pull SW (Series/Parallel Select)
D'Addario EPS165SL (.045-.105)
配件 原廠琴袋
顏色 SBB (See-Thru Blue Burst)

反拍樂器 實體門市