
Schecter Reaper-6 SCB 漸層灰 原木樹瘤 電吉他

Schecter Reaper-6 是把炙手可熱的斧頭具有共振的白楊樹節頂部沼澤灰主體,確保最大程度的自然色調和殺手級外觀。高輸出 Diamond Decimator humbuckers 使 Reaper-6 相當於火焰噴射器的聲音。


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NT$30,970 NT$32,600

Schecter Reaper-6 SCB 漸層灰 原木樹瘤 電吉他

Schecter Reaper-6 SCB 漸層灰 原木樹瘤 電吉他

  • 6 弦電吉他,造型時尚、銳利且具有侵略性
  • 共振楊樹節頂部沼澤灰主體確保最大程度的自然色調和定製商店級別的外觀
  • Diamond Decimator humbuckers 為金屬提供足夠的輸出和足夠的音調多功能性來征服任何聲音情況
  • 線圈分離單線圈音色的推挽鍋
  • 流暢的身體輪廓和超通透的頸部雕刻確保符合人體工程學的舒適度和輕鬆的即興演奏
  • 5層楓木/胡桃木超薄“C”套琴頸和快速彈奏的烏木指板
  • Schecter 硬尾琴橋提供堅如磐石的音調
  • 引人注目的黑色和鍍鉻硬件
Schecter Reaper-6


Schecter Reaper-6 擁有自然的音色和共鳴,這要歸功於它的楊樹樹節冠沼澤灰琴體。沼澤灰賦予溫暖、明亮和中頻“流行”的音樂融合。這種已經很精緻的音色再與楊樹樹節貼面相平衡,這也為 Reaper-6 帶來了獨特、引人注目的外觀。在斯威特沃特,我們很欣賞能產生美妙音色的斧頭 – 甚至在您插入電源之前!


儘管 Reaper-6 在聲學上聽起來很棒,但它是為插入而設計的——您不會失望的!它的高輸出 Diamond Decimator 拾音器像熾熱的adamantium,但為您提供足夠的多功能性來克服您可能遇到的任何聲音情況。它包括大量的音調控制,通過主音量、主音和 3 路拾音器選擇器。您還可以獲得一個用於線圈分離單線圈音調的推挽式電位器。

Schecter Reaper-6
Schecter Reaper-6


Schecter 的 Reaper 系列專為控制聲音而打造。這些軸擁有楊樹節頂部的沼澤灰體,可產生最高的共鳴和定製商店級別的外觀。烏木指板和 5 層楓木/胡桃木超薄“C”套琴頸提供令人難以置信的可玩性。帶上其中一個嬰兒,您將享受到極致的舒適感,這要歸功於廣泛的身體輪廓和超方便的頸部雕刻。

想要像鐮刀一樣切割的音色嗎?如果是這樣,您會喜歡 Reaper 系列的高輸出 Diamond Decimator 拾音器。Schecter 定制硬尾或 Floyd Rose 1500 琴橋提供堅如磐石的調音。配有迷人的黑色和鍍鉻裝飾,這些吉他一直是頂級的。

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The PT Pro is an eye-catching creation from Schecter. Showcasing a stylish quilted maple veneer top,

blacked-out hardware, and binding, this guitar has all of the creature comforts a player can ask for. It’s equipped with an alder body, maple neck, and a pair of Schecter’s vintage-inspired Z-Plus humbucking pickups. Each pickup can be split into a single-coil pickup to maximize tonal versatility.

And if you regularly play on dark stages, you’ll love the glow-in-the-dark side dot markers. Whether you’re gigging or kicking back at home, the PT Pro will quickly become one of your favorite axes.

Old-school styling with modern playability

At first glance, this axe may seem like a traditional T-style guitar. But the PT Pro is anything but traditional. It has tons of upgrades that will help you take your playing to a new level

First, the PT body has an eye-catching quilted maple top that your audience will love. It has upgraded Schecter USA pickups, extra switching options

and stainless steel saddles to enhance your sustain. The Thin C neck profile keeps just the right amount of wood in your hands without getting in the way of your playing. Meanwhile

a 14″ fretboard radius and 22 extra-jumbo frets work together so your bends won’t choke out during your big solo./p>

The PT Pro is loaded with a set of Schecter USA Z-Plus humbucking pickups. Arguably the most impressive upgrade of the bunch, these pickups perfectly re-create the powerful tone of the earliest Schecter creations.

They’re punchy, with medium output and a well-defined attack. As if the factory tone isn’t good enough already,

both pickups feature 12 fully-adjustable high-carbon pole pieces. That allows you to tweak all 24 pole pieces to achieve your perfect tone. Trust us, once you plug in for the first time, you’ll have a hard time putting it down.

Switching options that today’s players demand


反拍樂器 實體門市

貨號: 10205009 分類: ,

技術規格 • 型號名稱:Reaper-6

• 產品編號:1500

• 產地:印尼

• 吉他顏色:Satin Charcoal Burst(SCB) 琴頸 •調音器:Schecter

• 指板:烏木


• 鑲嵌:偏移/反向圓點

• 刻度:25.5 英寸(648 毫米)

• 琴頸形狀:超薄'C'

• 1 品處的厚度:0.748 英寸(19 毫米)/第 12 品處:0.787 英寸(20 毫米)

• 品絲:22 X-Jumbo

• 指板半徑:14 英寸(355 毫米)

•琴弦:Graph Tech XL 黑色 Tusq

•琴弦寬度:1.653 英寸(42 毫米)

•桁架桿:帶 5/32” (4mm) 內六角螺母的 2 向可調桿


• 吉他顏色:Satin Charcoal Burst(SCB)

• 硬件顏色:黑色和鉻色

• 頂部輪廓:平頂帶斜邊

• 靈巧:右手

• 結構:帶Ultra Access 的固定頸式

•琴橋:Schecter 定製、串通琴身


• 控制:音量(推拉)/音量/三路開關

• 琴橋拾音器:Schecter Diamond Decimator

• 琴頸拾音器:Schecter Diamond Decimator


• 旋鈕:金屬滾花帶固定螺絲

• 琴弦:Ernie Ball Hybrid Slinky #2221 (.010-.046)

反拍樂器 實體門市