Sennheiser HD 350BT 黑色 藍牙無線耳機

HD 350BT 以深沉的動態低音帶來迷人的聲音體驗。最新的無線技術 (包括藍牙® 5.0 和高品質的無線編解碼器 (如 AAC、aptX™ 和 aptX™ Low Latency) 可確保完美無暇的傳輸,從而實現完美的音訊和視訊同步。Enjoy great wireless audio on the go or at home with the HD 350BT. Thanks to Bluetooth® 5.0, high-quality codec support (AAC, aptX™ Low Latency), and an excellent 30-hour battery life, this stylish and durable wireless headset is your versatile companion for experiencing better audio wherever you are.

利用優秀的 30 小時電池續航力和快速 USB-C 充電功能,HD 350BT 是您全天候聆聽的理想伴侶。這款耳機有黑百兩色可供選擇,以耐用的優質材質精製而成,堅固耐用可隨身攜帶,其精巧的折疊設計融合了舒適感和極簡風格。Enjoy great wireless audio on the go or at home with the HD 350BT. Thanks to Bluetooth® 5.0, high-quality codec support (AAC, aptX™ Low Latency), and an excellent 30-hour battery life, this stylish and durable wireless headset is your versatile companion for experiencing better audio wherever you are.

利用 Sennheiser Smart Control 應用程式,輕而易舉地自訂聲音體驗。其直覺式等化器可讓您輕鬆地調整音色以符合個人品味。您可選取特殊的 Podcast 模式,最佳化您最喜歡的 Podcast、有聲書和其他語音內容的清晰度。Enjoy great wireless audio on the go or at home with the HD 350BT. Thanks to Bluetooth® 5.0, high-quality codec support (AAC, aptX™ Low Latency), and an excellent 30-hour battery life, this stylish and durable wireless headset is your versatile companion for experiencing better audio wherever you are.

為了讓您盡情享受連網生活,HD 350BT 具有專用的語音助理按鈕,可與 Siri 或 Google 助理進行即時語音互動。利用耳罩上易於操作的觸控按鈕,控制音樂和通話也非常直覺。Enjoy great wireless audio on the go or at home with the HD 350BT. Thanks to Bluetooth® 5.0, high-quality codec support (AAC, aptX™ Low Latency), and an excellent 30-hour battery life, this stylish and durable wireless headset is your versatile companion for experiencing better audio wherever you are.
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Enjoy great wireless audio on the go or at home with the HD 350BT. Thanks to Bluetooth® 5.0, high-quality codec support (AAC, aptX™ Low Latency), and an excellent 30-hour battery life, this stylish and durable wireless headset is your versatile companion for experiencing better audio wherever you are.