Fender Player Stratocaster EB Neon Yellow 烏木 霓虹黃 法拉利黃 電吉他
- 製琴生產:墨西哥廠 Mexico
- Neon Yellow 霓虹黃/法拉利黃
- 精密加工榿木琴身
- Player 系列 Alnico 拾音器— 專為清晰、清晰的 Fender 音色而設計,具有一點優勢!多功能 HSS 配置為您提供強大的雙線圈音色和水晶般清晰的單線圈鐘聲的混合。
- 現代C字琴頸
- 9.5英寸半徑楓木指板
- 2點支撐顫音琴橋

Player系列 拾音器
Player Series 拾音器與真正的 Fender Tone 相得益彰。對經典聲音的現代調整。


2 點顫音琴橋
2 點支撐顫音琴橋用於平滑和出色的顫音動作。

經典Fender 琴頭設計

Player Stratocaster “F” 印章頸牌是真品的證明。
Fender Limited Edition Player Stratocaster MN 3TS CAKE
FENDER offers a wide range of electric, acoustic, bass, mandolin, banjo and violin guitars, as well as instrument amplifiers,
PA systems, effects and accessories for instruments such as picks, strings, straps, covers and cables.
The Fender Electric Instrument Manufacturing Company was founded in 1946 by Clarence Leonidas Fender. Leo created
the first mass-produced electric guitar – the Telecaster (initially known as Broadcaster). The earliest use of this
instrument in a recording dates back to 1947 – it was Arthur Smith’s “Guitar Boogie”. In 1951, the Fender range is
expanded by the Precision Bass (P-Bass) and in 1954 by the Stratocaster. In 1965, as his health did not improve,
Leo Fender sold his shares to the American media tycoon, CBS, which owned the brand for the next 20 years.
In 1985 the rights to the brand were bought by William Schultz, but the factory had to be built from scratch. Currently
production takes place mainly in factories in Corona, in California and in Ensenada, Mexico. Instruments are also
manufactured in Japan under the Fender brand, but apart from a few models (re-editions and signatures), they are
directed exclusively to the local American market.
The Fender Limited Edition Player Stratocaster guitar is a unique instrument from the limited series. Made of alder, it
Najnowsza seria Player od Fendera wkracza na rynek pod postacią legendarnych telecasterów. Dwa przetworniki
typu single-coil pozwalają na uzyskanie poszukiwanego przez gitarzystów na całym świecie delikatnie
brzęczącego brzmienia. Świetnie sprawdzi się przy nagrywaniu subtelnych partii solowych oraz ozbodników
To doskonały wybór dla muzyków pragnących przejrzystego i niepodrabialnego brzmienia. _