
MusicNomad 吉他棕櫚臘 MN102 Guitar Wax

Music Nomad有著完整且先進的樂器護理系列產品。不只有吉他,包括鼓與銅鈸,甚至連AMP和樂器盒都有各自的保養品項。不論是需要清潔用,亮光油或保護蠟,都能在完整且多樣化的類型裡,找到適合自己的產品。

NT$290 NT$350

MusicNomad 吉他棕櫚臘 MN102 Guitar Wax

強大!! 使用最高等級的白色巴西棕櫚!
強大!! 抗UV!

MN102 使用最高等級的巴西棕櫚製成的吉他臘,提供您的愛琴耐久的屛護及明亮光澤;深層修護保養吉他的表面,隔絕濕氣,鹽分(汗水)、灰塵髒污的侵蝕!

MN102 含有獨家抗UV配方,阻絕紫外線的傷害,確保漆面及木料不受陽光或燈光照射而變質或變形;100%不含研磨劑,超高續航力的持久保護,氣味清香,讓您安心使用。

*Uses Highest Grade White Brazilian Carnauba
*Long Lasting Shine
*Durable Protection
*UV Protectant to Deter Sun Damage
*Fills in Minor Imperfections
*Restores Shine, Depth and Clarity
*100% Non Abrasive
*Smells Great

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The NUX B-2 PLUS is a pocket-size 2.4GHz wireless system that offers guitar players an easy solution to go wireless. Step on the latest NUX wireless transmission algorithm, B-2 PLUS secures a better connection in a noisy RF environment.

Simply wiping dust off your guitar can scratch like sandpaper, because dust is abrasive. MusicNomad’s professional white Brazilian carnauba guitar wax delivers an acoustically transparent durable shield with a high gloss shine that protects your instrument’s finish from moisture, salt(sweat) and dust. It fills in minor imperfections, restoring shine, depth & clarity to your guitar’s finish. We even add UV protectants. It is 100% non abrasive. With MusicNomad the music never stops.

CAUTION for Gold Hardware: We always recommend to use caution on gold plating as some plating is very thin depending on the manufacture and country made. Either test a small area first and rub very lightly. If you love your gold plating and not sure then we recommend not using this product. See FAQs for more details on this.

Combining our passion for cleaning and helping musicians, MusicNomad Equipment Care Products deliver professional grade products to restore, maintain and protect your instrument. We bring together talent from around the world to help in making the best products for musicians. Every purchase automatically contributes money to help independent musicians through our advocacy website MusicNomad.com where thousands of musicians each month discover resources, tips and articles to help them in their music career.