Sennheiser HD 450BT 黑色 有線/藍牙無線耳機

HD 450BT 的主動降噪功能和封閉式背板設計,使其得以提供令人著迷的音色,即使在吵雜的環境中也可讓您盡情享受。高品質的無線編解碼器支援 (包括 AAC 和 aptX™ Low Latency),確保能以非凡的聲音品質捕捉到每個音頻細節。Step up to great wireless sound with the new HD 450BT. Delivering active noise cancellation, high-quality wireless codec support (AAC, aptX™ Low Latency), and Bluetooth® 5.0, this headset gives you superior sound with deep dynamic bass.

HD 450BT 是旅行的絕佳伴侶,具有 30 小時的超長電池續航力。這款耳機可透過 USB-C 快速充電,節省旅途中的寶貴時間。精巧的折疊設計 (有黑白兩色可供選擇),採用優質材質精製而成,在極簡風格、人體工學舒適性和隨身攜帶的耐用性之間,達到了完美的平衡。Step up to great wireless sound with the new HD 450BT. Delivering active noise cancellation, high-quality wireless codec support (AAC, aptX™ Low Latency), and Bluetooth® 5.0, this headset gives you superior sound with deep dynamic bass.

無論是想調高低音,還是享受自然音色,Sennheiser Smart Control 應用程式都能讓您利用直覺式等化器,輕鬆地打造出符合個人品味的音色。除了電池狀態和韌體更新以外,該應用程式還有 Podcast 模式可最佳化 Podcast、有聲書和其他語音內容的清晰度。Step up to great wireless sound with the new HD 450BT. Delivering active noise cancellation, high-quality wireless codec support (AAC, aptX™ Low Latency), and Bluetooth® 5.0, this headset gives you superior sound with deep dynamic bass.

透過耳罩上的輕鬆觸控按鈕,直覺地控制音樂和通話。透過專用的語音助理按鈕和藍牙® 5.0 支援或額外的音源線,擁有真正的連網體驗。Step up to great wireless sound with the new HD 450BT. Delivering active noise cancellation, high-quality wireless codec support (AAC, aptX™ Low Latency), and Bluetooth® 5.0, this headset gives you superior sound with deep dynamic bass.
粉絲頁直接詢問 :
Step up to great wireless sound with the new HD 450BT. Delivering active noise cancellation, high-quality wireless codec support (AAC, aptX™ Low Latency), and Bluetooth® 5.0, this headset gives you superior sound with deep dynamic bass.
Step up to great wireless sound with the new HD 450BT. Delivering active noise cancellation, high-quality wireless codec support (AAC, aptX™ Low Latency), and Bluetooth® 5.0, this headset gives you superior sound with deep dynamic bass.
Step up to great wireless sound with the new HD 450BT. Delivering active noise cancellation, high-quality wireless codec support (AAC, aptX™ Low Latency), and Bluetooth® 5.0, this headset gives you superior sound with deep dynamic bass.